Sustane 4-6-4 All Natural Fertilizer, Tea Bags

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Suståne compost tea is designed to provide organic plant nutrition and introduce healthy soil microbiology through liquid application.

Feed your plants the best!

Achieve a lush, vibrant garden with the help of Gertens wide selection of fertilizers! Whether you're tending to your lawn, plants, flowers, or vegetables, proper fertilization is key to promoting healthy growth and abundant blooms. Trust Gertens to provide the nutrients your garden craves, ensuring your outdoor oasis thrives throughout the season.

The Best Soil for your Plants

Gertens Recommended

The Best Way to Fertilize

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There are multiple benefits to using compost teas. More than supplementary nutrients, compost teas deliver humic substances that can act as biostimulants and active microorganisms that can contribute to nutrient cycling and the ecology of a healthy soil. Suståne Compost Tea Bags provide all of the essential components of effective compost teas and have been proven to support improved plant growth.

- Adds a well-balanced mix of plant essential nutrients, humates, and beneficial microorganisms

- Easy to use liquid organic fertilizer supplement: no fuss, no mess, no measuring

- Increases yields when applied to soils

More Information

Bag Size 9 oz.
Fertilizer Type Starter
Application Rate 50 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. or 2,200 lb. per acre
Application Rate 25 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. or 1,100 lb. per acre
Coverage 50 lb. covers 2000 sq. ft. @ 1 lb. N per 1000 sq. ft.
Brand Sustane Natural Fertilizer

Product Questions (15)

Starting times will vary depending on the vegetable you are growing. Each seed packet will have specific sowing instructions for that type of vegetable. Some plants, such as tomatoes and peppers, should be started indoors, 6-8 weeks before the last frost...
The process of bringing seeds outside is called hardening off. Hardening off is generally done sometime after the seedling has two full sets of normal leaves. In Minnesota, you want to begin hardening off seedlings in late April/early May.  To ...
If you have a southern facing window with all day sun, you may grow seedlings in a windowsill. Be sure to rotate the seedlings frequently to ensure the plants do not lean heavily towards the sun. For more even results, use a grow light, positioned roughly...
We recommend using either high intensity T5 fluorescent bulbs, or LED grow lights. Both setups will produce excellent results. T5s are the typical grow light, are economical and come in frequencies that are helpful for plant development. LED technology...
Grow lights should be kept roughly 4-5” above the top of seedling leaves. If you are using very powerful LEDs, you could even keep them 8-10” away.
Grow lights should be used to mimic a natural sunlight cycle for plants. We recommend using them 12 hours a day, from roughly 7am to 7pm.  
If your lawn has dog damage, put down some gypsum and soak it all through for at least 6 hours till saturation point. After that you can rake away the dead grass and reseed as normal.
There are many correct ways to Aerate, the least invasive way is biological aeration with C20. You can also do a mechanical core aeration, lay down a layer of compost and gypsum, water all the plugs in and reseed. The timing is far more critical, the...
When discussing weeds, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. A thick lawn that is watered deeply and infrequently, cut to 3” high and not mechanically disturbed in the spring when most weed seeds are germinating will have less weeds. Putting...
Hand pulling or using an iron based natural broadleaf weed killer are safe ways to weed.
When determining how much grass seed you will need, you must determine your square footage by measuring length multiplied by width.
Do not start any type of fertilizer regime for young seedlings until they have at least two full sets of regular leaves. Start with a root stimulator, then after a month you may move on to a gentle, weak (half strength) water-based fertilizer. Remember...
That depends on what caused the dead patches, if it’s grubs we recommend the bayer dylox grub control. If it’s fungal, Scotts disease X is recommended to stop the spread. If the disease has gotten down to the crown, it is dead and will need to be raked...
Liquid applications are easier to burn with and generally not recommended, as it will be 100% synthetic. With granular applications you have your choice of going for all slow release and non-burning, or a mixture of...
1) Nitrogen (leaf development, top growth) 2) Phosphorus (roots and blooms) 3) Potassium aka Potash (roots).  To shop Gertens fertilizer options, click here