Minnesota Native Plants

Also known as indigenous plants, natives offer a variety of sustainable food and habitat for the vast wildlife of Minnesota. Native plants can include wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, trees, vines, mosses, ferns, and more. These plants also assist in managing rainwater runoff and maintain healthy soil as their root systems are deep and keep soil from being compacted. 

  • Achillea, Common Yarrow 'Minnesota Native'
    Achillea, Common Yarrow 'Minnesota Native'
    Achillea, Common Yarrow 'Minnesota Native'
  • Achillea, Yarrow, 6 pack
    Achillea, Yarrow, 6 pack
  • Acorus, American Sweet Flag 'Minnesota Native'
    Acorus, American Sweet Flag 'Minnesota Native'
    Acorus, American Sweet Flag 'Minnesota Native'
  • Agastache, Fragrant Giant Hyssop, 6 pack
    Agastache, Fragrant Giant Hyssop, 6 pack
  • Agastache, Lavender Hyssop 'Minnesota Native'
    Agastache, Lavender Hyssop 'Minnesota Native'
    Agastache, Lavender Hyssop 'Minnesota Native'
  • Allium, Nodding Pink Onion 'Minnesota Native'
    Allium, Nodding Pink Onion 'Minnesota Native'
    Allium, Nodding Pink Onion 'Minnesota Native'
    Allium, Nodding Pink Onion 'Minnesota Native'
    Allium, Nodding Pink Onion 'Minnesota Native'
  • Allium, Prairie Onion 'Minnesota Native'
    Allium, Prairie Onion 'Minnesota Native'
    Allium, Prairie Onion 'Minnesota Native'
  • Amorpha, Leadplant 'Minnesota Native'
    Amorpha, Leadplant 'Minnesota Native'
    Amorpha, Leadplant 'Minnesota Native'
  • Andropogon gerardii, Big Bluestem
    Andropogon gerardii, Big Bluestem
    Andropogon gerardii, Big Bluestem
  • Andropogon, Big Bluestem, 6 pack
    Andropogon, Big Bluestem, 6 pack
  • Anemone, Canada Anemone 'Minnesota Native'
    Anemone, Canada Anemone 'Minnesota Native'
    Anemone, Canada Anemone 'Minnesota Native'
  • Anemone, Tall Thimbleweed, 6 pack
    Anemone, Tall Thimbleweed, 6 pack
  • Antennaria, Field Pussytoes, 6 pack
    Antennaria, Field Pussytoes, 6 pack
  • Aquilegia, American Columbine 'Minnesota Native'
    Aquilegia, American Columbine 'Minnesota Native'
    Aquilegia, American Columbine 'Minnesota Native'
  • Aquilegia, Columbine, 6 pack
    Aquilegia, Columbine, 6 pack
  • Artemisia, Prairie Sage, 6 pack
    Artemisia, Prairie Sage, 6 pack
  • Asclepias, Butterfly Milkweed, 6 pack
    Asclepias, Butterfly Milkweed, 6 pack
  • Asclepias, Butterfly Weed 'Minnesota Native'
    Asclepias, Butterfly Weed 'Minnesota Native'
    Asclepias, Butterfly Weed 'Minnesota Native'
    Asclepias, Butterfly Weed 'Minnesota Native'
    Asclepias, Butterfly Weed 'Minnesota Native'
  • Asclepias, Common Milkweed, 6 pack
    Asclepias, Common Milkweed, 6 pack
  • Asclepias, Prairie Milkweed 'Minnesota Native'
    Asclepias, Prairie Milkweed 'Minnesota Native'
    Asclepias, Prairie Milkweed 'Minnesota Native'
  • Asclepias, Swamp Milkweed 'Minnesota Native'
    Asclepias, Swamp Milkweed 'Minnesota Native'
    Asclepias, Swamp Milkweed 'Minnesota Native'
    Asclepias, Swamp Milkweed 'Minnesota Native'
    Asclepias, Swamp Milkweed 'Minnesota Native'
  • Asclepias, Swamp Milkweed, 6 pack
    Asclepias, Swamp Milkweed, 6 pack
  • Asclepias, Whorled Milkweed, 6 pack
    Asclepias, Whorled Milkweed, 6 pack
  • Aster, Heath Aster 'Minnesota Native'
    Aster, Heath Aster 'Minnesota Native'
    Aster, Heath Aster 'Minnesota Native'
  • Aster, New England Aster 'Minnesota Native'
    Aster, New England Aster 'Minnesota Native'
    Aster, New England Aster 'Minnesota Native'
    Aster, New England Aster 'Minnesota Native'
    Aster, New England Aster 'Minnesota Native'
  • Aster, Sky Blue Aster 'Minnesota Native'
    Aster, Sky Blue Aster 'Minnesota Native'
    Aster, Sky Blue Aster 'Minnesota Native'
  • Aster, Smooth Aster 'Minnesota Native'
    Aster, Smooth Aster 'Minnesota Native'
    Aster, Smooth Aster 'Minnesota Native'
    Aster, Smooth Aster 'Minnesota Native'
    Aster, Smooth Aster 'Minnesota Native'
  • Baptisia, Blue False Indigo 'Minnesota Native'
    Baptisia, Blue False Indigo 'Minnesota Native'
    Baptisia, Blue False Indigo 'Minnesota Native'
    Baptisia, Blue False Indigo 'Minnesota Native'
    Baptisia, Blue False Indigo 'Minnesota Native'
  • Baptisia, White False Indigo 'Minnesota Native'
    Baptisia, White False Indigo 'Minnesota Native'
    Baptisia, White False Indigo 'Minnesota Native'
    Baptisia, White False Indigo 'Minnesota Native'
    Baptisia, White False Indigo 'Minnesota Native'
  • Bouteloua gracilis, Blue Grama
    Bouteloua gracilis, Blue Grama
    Bouteloua gracilis, Blue Grama
  • Bouteloua, Sideoats Grama 'Minnesota Native'
    Bouteloua, Sideoats Grama 'Minnesota Native'
    Bouteloua, Sideoats Grama 'Minnesota Native'
  • Calamagrostis, Blue Joint Grass 'Minnesota Native'
    Calamagrostis, Blue Joint Grass 'Minnesota Native'
    Calamagrostis, Blue Joint Grass 'Minnesota Native'
  • Caltha, Marsh Marigold 'Minnesota Native'
    Caltha, Marsh Marigold 'Minnesota Native'
    Caltha, Marsh Marigold 'Minnesota Native'
  • Carex, Awl-Fruited Sedge, 6 pack
    Carex, Awl-Fruited Sedge, 6 pack
  • Carex, Bicknell's Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
    Carex, Bicknell's Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
    Carex, Bicknell's Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
  • Carex, Bottlebrush Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
    Carex, Bottlebrush Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
    Carex, Bottlebrush Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
  • Carex, Fox Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
    Carex, Fox Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
    Carex, Fox Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
  • Carex, Fox Sedge, 6 pack
    Carex, Fox Sedge, 6 pack
  • Carex, Palm Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
    Carex, Palm Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
    Carex, Palm Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
  • Carex, Pennsylvania Sedge
    Carex, Pennsylvania Sedge
    Carex, Pennsylvania Sedge
  • Carex, Tussock Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
    Carex, Tussock Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
    Carex, Tussock Sedge 'Minnesota Native'
  • Ceanothus, New Jersey Tea 'Minnesota Native'
    Ceanothus, New Jersey Tea 'Minnesota Native'
    Ceanothus, New Jersey Tea 'Minnesota Native'
    Ceanothus, New Jersey Tea 'Minnesota Native'
    Ceanothus, New Jersey Tea 'Minnesota Native'
  • Chelone, White Turtlehead 'Minnesota Native'
    Chelone, White Turtlehead 'Minnesota Native'
    Chelone, White Turtlehead 'Minnesota Native'
  • Coreopsis, Lance-leaf Coreopsis, 6 pack
    Coreopsis, Lance-leaf Coreopsis, 6 pack
  • Coreopsis, Lanceleaf Tickseed 'Minnesota Native'
    Coreopsis, Lanceleaf Tickseed 'Minnesota Native'
    Coreopsis, Lanceleaf Tickseed 'Minnesota Native'
  • Coreopsis, Prairie Tickseed 'Minnesota Native'
    Coreopsis, Prairie Tickseed 'Minnesota Native'
    Coreopsis, Prairie Tickseed 'Minnesota Native'
  • Dalea, Purple Prairie Clover 'Minnesota Native'
    Dalea, Purple Prairie Clover 'Minnesota Native'
    Dalea, Purple Prairie Clover 'Minnesota Native'
  • Dalea, Purple Prairie Clover, 6 pack
    Dalea, Purple Prairie Clover, 6 pack
  • Dalea, White Prairie Clover, 6 pack
    Dalea, White Prairie Clover, 6 pack
  • Dodecatheon, Shooting Star 'Minnesota Native'
    Dodecatheon, Shooting Star 'Minnesota Native'
    Dodecatheon, Shooting Star 'Minnesota Native'
    Dodecatheon, Shooting Star 'Minnesota Native'
    Dodecatheon, Shooting Star 'Minnesota Native'
  • Drymocallis, Prairie Cinquefoil, 6 pack
    Drymocallis, Prairie Cinquefoil, 6 pack
  • Echinacea, Narrow-leaved Coneflower, 6 pack
    Echinacea, Narrow-leaved Coneflower, 6 pack
  • Echinacea, Pale Purple Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
    Echinacea, Pale Purple Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
    Echinacea, Pale Purple Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
  • Echinacea, Purple Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
    Echinacea, Purple Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
    Echinacea, Purple Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
  • Echinacea, Purple Coneflower, 6 pack
    Echinacea, Purple Coneflower, 6 pack
  • Elymus, Virginia Wild Rye 'Minnesota Native'
    Elymus, Virginia Wild Rye 'Minnesota Native'
    Elymus, Virginia Wild Rye 'Minnesota Native'
  • Eryngium, Rattlesnake Master 'Minnesota Native'
    Eryngium, Rattlesnake Master 'Minnesota Native'
    Eryngium, Rattlesnake Master 'Minnesota Native'
  • Eryngium, Rattlesnake Master, 6 pack
    Eryngium, Rattlesnake Master, 6 pack
  • Eupatorium, Boneset, 6 pack
    Eupatorium, Boneset, 6 pack
  • Eupatorium, Joe Pye Weed 'Minnesota Native'
    Eupatorium, Joe Pye Weed 'Minnesota Native'
    Eupatorium, Joe Pye Weed 'Minnesota Native'
    Eupatorium, Joe Pye Weed 'Minnesota Native'
    Eupatorium, Joe Pye Weed 'Minnesota Native'
  • Eurybia, Large-leaved Aster, 6 pack
    Eurybia, Large-leaved Aster, 6 pack
  • Eutrochium, Joe-pye Weed, 6 pack
    Eutrochium, Joe-pye Weed, 6 pack
  • Gaillardia, Blanket Flower, 6 Pack
  • Geranium, Wild Cranesbill 'Minnesota Native'
    Geranium, Wild Cranesbill 'Minnesota Native'
    Geranium, Wild Cranesbill 'Minnesota Native'
  • Geum, Prairie Smoke
    As low as $12.99

    In stock

    Geum, Prairie Smoke
    Geum, Prairie Smoke
    Geum, Prairie Smoke
    Geum, Prairie Smoke
  • Geum, Prairie Smoke, 6 pack
    Geum, Prairie Smoke, 6 pack
  • Helianthus, Maximilian Sunflower, 6 pack
    Helianthus, Maximilian Sunflower, 6 pack
  • Helianthus, Stiff Sunflower, 6 pack
    Helianthus, Stiff Sunflower, 6 pack
  • Heliopsis, Common Ox-Eye 'Minnesota Native'
    Heliopsis, Common Ox-Eye 'Minnesota Native'
    Heliopsis, Common Ox-Eye 'Minnesota Native'
  • Heuchera, Prairie Alumroot, 6 pack
    Heuchera, Prairie Alumroot, 6 pack
  • Hystrix, Bottlebrush Grass 'Minnesota Native'
    Hystrix, Bottlebrush Grass 'Minnesota Native'
    Hystrix, Bottlebrush Grass 'Minnesota Native'
  • Iris, Blue Flag Iris 'Minnesota Native'
    Iris, Blue Flag Iris 'Minnesota Native'
    Iris, Blue Flag Iris 'Minnesota Native'
    Iris, Blue Flag Iris 'Minnesota Native'
    Iris, Blue Flag Iris 'Minnesota Native'
  • Iris, Northern Blueflag Iris, 6 pack
    Iris, Northern Blueflag Iris, 6 pack
  • Juncus, Common Rush 'Minnesota Native'
    Juncus, Common Rush 'Minnesota Native'
    Juncus, Common Rush 'Minnesota Native'
  • Koeleria, Junegrass 'Minnesota Native'
    Koeleria, Junegrass 'Minnesota Native'
    Koeleria, Junegrass 'Minnesota Native'
  • Koeleria, Junegrass, 6 pack
    Koeleria, Junegrass, 6 pack
  • Liatris, Dense Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
    Liatris, Dense Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
    Liatris, Dense Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
  • Liatris, Dotted Blazing Star, 6 pack
    Liatris, Dotted Blazing Star, 6 pack
  • Liatris, Meadow Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
    Liatris, Meadow Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
    Liatris, Meadow Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
    Liatris, Meadow Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
    Liatris, Meadow Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
  • Liatris, Prairie Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
    Liatris, Prairie Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
    Liatris, Prairie Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
  • Liatris, Prairie Blazingstar, 6 pack
  • Liatris, Rough Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
    Liatris, Rough Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
    Liatris, Rough Blazingstar 'Minnesota Native'
  • Lobelia, Cardinal Flower 'Minnesota Native'
    Lobelia, Cardinal Flower 'Minnesota Native'
    Lobelia, Cardinal Flower 'Minnesota Native'
  • Lobelia, Great Blue Lobelia 'Minnesota Native'
    Lobelia, Great Blue Lobelia 'Minnesota Native'
    Lobelia, Great Blue Lobelia 'Minnesota Native'
    Lobelia, Great Blue Lobelia 'Minnesota Native'
    Lobelia, Great Blue Lobelia 'Minnesota Native'
  • Lupinus, Wild Lupine, 6 pack
    Lupinus, Wild Lupine, 6 pack
  • Mertensia, Virginia Bluebells 'Minnesota Native'
    Mertensia, Virginia Bluebells 'Minnesota Native'
    Mertensia, Virginia Bluebells 'Minnesota Native'
    Mertensia, Virginia Bluebells 'Minnesota Native'
    Mertensia, Virginia Bluebells 'Minnesota Native'
  • Mimulus, Monkey Flower, 6 pack
    Mimulus, Monkey Flower, 6 pack
  • Monarda, Native Beebalm 'Minnesota Native'
    Monarda, Native Beebalm 'Minnesota Native'
    Monarda, Native Beebalm 'Minnesota Native'
  • Monarda, Spotted Bee Balm, 6 pack
    Monarda, Spotted Bee Balm, 6 pack
  • Monarda, Wild Bergamot, 6 pack
  • Panicum, Switch Grass 'Minnesota Native'
    Panicum, Switch Grass 'Minnesota Native'
    Panicum, Switch Grass 'Minnesota Native'
    Panicum, Switch Grass 'Minnesota Native'
    Panicum, Switch Grass 'Minnesota Native'
  • Panicum, Switchgrass, 6 pack
    Panicum, Switchgrass, 6 pack
  • Penstemon, Slender Penstemon, 6 pack
  • Penstemon, Smooth Penstemon 'Minnesota Native'
    Penstemon, Smooth Penstemon 'Minnesota Native'
    Penstemon, Smooth Penstemon 'Minnesota Native'
  • Phlox, Prairie Phlox 'Minnesota Native'
    Phlox, Prairie Phlox 'Minnesota Native'
    Phlox, Prairie Phlox 'Minnesota Native'
    Phlox, Prairie Phlox 'Minnesota Native'
    Phlox, Prairie Phlox 'Minnesota Native'
  • Physostegia, Obedient Plant, 6 pack
    Physostegia, Obedient Plant, 6 pack
  • Physotegia, Obedient Plant 'Minnesota Native'
    Physotegia, Obedient Plant 'Minnesota Native'
    Physotegia, Obedient Plant 'Minnesota Native'
  • Ratibida, Long-headed Coneflower, 6 pack
    Ratibida, Long-headed Coneflower, 6 pack
  • Ratibida, Yellow Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
    Ratibida, Yellow Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
    Ratibida, Yellow Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
    Ratibida, Yellow Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
    Ratibida, Yellow Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
  • Ratibida, Yellow Coneflower, 6 pack
    Ratibida, Yellow Coneflower, 6 pack
  • Rudbeckia, Black Eyed Susan 'Minnesota Native'
    Rudbeckia, Black Eyed Susan 'Minnesota Native'
    Rudbeckia, Black Eyed Susan 'Minnesota Native'
  • Rudbeckia, Black-Eyed Susan, 6 Pack
    Rudbeckia, Black-Eyed Susan, 6 Pack
  • Rudbeckia, Brown-Eyed Susan, 6 pack
    Rudbeckia, Brown-Eyed Susan, 6 pack
  • Rudbeckia, Orange Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
    Rudbeckia, Orange Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
    Rudbeckia, Orange Coneflower 'Minnesota Native'
  • Rudbeckia, Sweet Black Eyed Susan 'Minnesota Native'
    Rudbeckia, Sweet Black Eyed Susan 'Minnesota Native'
    Rudbeckia, Sweet Black Eyed Susan 'Minnesota Native'
  • Schizachyrium, Little Bluestem 'Minnesota Native'
    Schizachyrium, Little Bluestem 'Minnesota Native'
    Schizachyrium, Little Bluestem 'Minnesota Native'
  • Schizachyrium, Little Bluestem, 6 pack
    Schizachyrium, Little Bluestem, 6 pack
  • Scirpus, Green Bulrush 'Minnesota Native'
    Scirpus, Green Bulrush 'Minnesota Native'
    Scirpus, Green Bulrush 'Minnesota Native'
  • Silphium, Cup Plant, 6 pack
    Silphium, Cup Plant, 6 pack
  • Silphium, Prairie Dock 'Minnesota Native'
    Silphium, Prairie Dock 'Minnesota Native'
    Silphium, Prairie Dock 'Minnesota Native'
    Silphium, Prairie Dock 'Minnesota Native'
    Silphium, Prairie Dock 'Minnesota Native'
  • Sisyrinchium, Prairie Blue-eyed Grass, 6 pack
    Sisyrinchium, Prairie Blue-eyed Grass, 6 pack
  • Solidago, Showy Goldenrod 'Minnesota Native'
    Solidago, Showy Goldenrod 'Minnesota Native'
    Solidago, Showy Goldenrod 'Minnesota Native'
  • Solidago, Showy Goldenrod, 6 pack
    Solidago, Showy Goldenrod, 6 pack
  • Solidago, Stiff Goldenrod 'Minnesota Native'
    Solidago, Stiff Goldenrod 'Minnesota Native'
    Solidago, Stiff Goldenrod 'Minnesota Native'
  • Solidago, Upland White Goldenrod, 6 pack
    Solidago, Upland White Goldenrod, 6 pack
  • Sorghastrum, Indian Grass, 6 pack
    Sorghastrum, Indian Grass, 6 pack
  • Sorghastrum, Indiangrass 'Minnesota Native'
    Sorghastrum, Indiangrass 'Minnesota Native'
    Sorghastrum, Indiangrass 'Minnesota Native'
  • Spartina, Prairie Cordgrass 'Minnesota Native'
    Spartina, Prairie Cordgrass 'Minnesota Native'
    Spartina, Prairie Cordgrass 'Minnesota Native'
  • Sporobolus, Prairie Dropseed 'Minnesota Native'
    Sporobolus, Prairie Dropseed 'Minnesota Native'
    Sporobolus, Prairie Dropseed 'Minnesota Native'
  • Symphyotrichum, Calico Aster, 6 Pack
    Symphyotrichum, Calico Aster, 6 Pack
  • Symphyotrichum, Heath Aster, 6 pack
    Symphyotrichum, Heath Aster, 6 pack
  • Symphyotrichum, New England Aster, 6 pack
    Symphyotrichum, New England Aster, 6 pack
  • Symphyotrichum, Sky Blue Aster, 6 pack
    Symphyotrichum, Sky Blue Aster, 6 pack
  • Symphyotrichum, Smooth Blue Aster, 6 pack
    Symphyotrichum, Smooth Blue Aster, 6 pack
  • Tradescantia, Ohio Spiderwort 'Minnesota Native'
    Tradescantia, Ohio Spiderwort 'Minnesota Native'
    Tradescantia, Ohio Spiderwort 'Minnesota Native'
  • Trillium, White Trillium 'Minnesota Native'
    Trillium, White Trillium 'Minnesota Native'
    Trillium, White Trillium 'Minnesota Native'
    Trillium, White Trillium 'Minnesota Native'
    Trillium, White Trillium 'Minnesota Native'
  • Verbena, Blue Vervain 'Minnesota Native'
    Verbena, Blue Vervain 'Minnesota Native'
    Verbena, Blue Vervain 'Minnesota Native'
  • Verbena, Hoary Vervain 'Minnesota Native'
    Verbena, Hoary Vervain 'Minnesota Native'
    Verbena, Hoary Vervain 'Minnesota Native'
  • Verbena, Hoary Vervain, 6 pack
    Verbena, Hoary Vervain, 6 pack
  • Vernonia, Ironweed 'Minnesota Native'
    Vernonia, Ironweed 'Minnesota Native'
    Vernonia, Ironweed 'Minnesota Native'
  • Vernonia, Ironweed, 6 pack
    Vernonia, Ironweed, 6 pack
  • Veronicastrum, Culver’s Root 'Minnesota Native'
    Veronicastrum, Culver’s Root 'Minnesota Native'
    Veronicastrum, Culver’s Root 'Minnesota Native'
    Veronicastrum, Culver’s Root 'Minnesota Native'
    Veronicastrum, Culver’s Root 'Minnesota Native'
  • Veronicastrum, Culver’s Root, 6 pack
    Veronicastrum, Culver’s Root, 6 pack
  • Zizia, Golden Alexanders 'Minnesota Native'
    Zizia, Golden Alexanders 'Minnesota Native'
    Zizia, Golden Alexanders 'Minnesota Native'
  • Zizia, Golden Alexanders, 6 pack
    Zizia, Golden Alexanders, 6 pack

135 Items
