Natural Guard Spinosad Soap RTU, 1 Qt.

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OMRI Listed® product For outdoor residential use in home gardens, lawns, ornamentals and greenhouses. Controls Adelgids, Ants, Aphids, Armyworms, Beetles including Colorado Potato Beetle, Borers, Caterpillars, Chinch Bugs, Codling Moth, Earwigs, Fruit Flies, Gypsy Moth, Lace Bugs, Leafhoppers, Leafminers, Leafrollers, Loopers, Mealybugs, Mites, Mole Crickets, Plant Bugs, Psyllids, Sawfly Larvae, Scale Insects, Spider Mites, Tent Caterpillars, Thrips, Webworms, Weevils and Whiteflies. Formulation: Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids 0.940% and Spinosad 0.005%.

Protect Your Plants From Insects

Insects can wreak havoc on your plants, flowers, and vegetables, causing damage and reducing yields. Our insecticides are formulated to target a wide range of garden pests, including aphids, beetles, and caterpillars, without harming beneficial insects. With easy-to-use options and proven results, our insecticides are an essential tool for maintaining a healthy garden.

Controlling Boxelder Bugs

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Grub Control 101

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OMRI Listed® product For outdoor residential use in home gardens, lawns, ornamentals and greenhouses. Controls Adelgids, Ants, Aphids, Armyworms, Beetles including Colorado Potato Beetle, Borers, Caterpillars, Chinch Bugs, Codling Moth, Earwigs, Fruit Flies, Gypsy Moth, Lace Bugs, Leafhoppers, Leafminers, Leafrollers, Loopers, Mealybugs, Mites, Mole Crickets, Plant Bugs, Psyllids, Sawfly Larvae, Scale Insects, Spider Mites, Tent Caterpillars, Thrips, Webworms, Weevils and Whiteflies. Formulation: Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids 0.940% and Spinosad 0.005%.

Weight: 2.6 lbs.

1 Quart

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Weight 2.600000
Container Size 1 Quart
Brand Fertilome

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