Milky Spore Powder Japanese Beetle Control

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Milky Sporeprovides safe and effective grub control which can remain activein the soil for as much as 20 years.

Protect Your Plants From Insects

Insects can wreak havoc on your plants, flowers, and vegetables, causing damage and reducing yields. Our insecticides are formulated to target a wide range of garden pests, including aphids, beetles, and caterpillars, without harming beneficial insects. With easy-to-use options and proven results, our insecticides are an essential tool for maintaining a healthy garden.

Controlling Boxelder Bugs

From Our Experts

Grub Control 101

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Milky Sporeprovides safe and effective grub control which can remain activein the soil for as much as 20 years. To get this long lastingcontrol you should apply Milky Spore at least 3 times a year for2 years. Milky Spore is safe to use along with other herbicidesand fertilizers and it is harmless to birds, bees, and fish.It's safe to use around pools or ponds. Milky Spore containsMilky Spore disease bacterium (Bacillus popillae) that killsgrubs in a way that is environmentally safe and highlyrecommended by professional and organic gardeners.

  • 10 oz. Treats up to 2,500 Square feet
  • 40 oz.Treats up to 10,000 Square feet
  • 20 lbs.Treats up to 7,000 Square feet

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Product Questions (1)

Generally, Japanese beetles are not going after the perennials. They like trees, roses, vines. Grape vines are one of their favorites, as are roses. But they have been seen on milkweed flowers, green bean leaves and more. Japanese beetles don’t seem...