April 2, 2021

Why use wood mulch? Oh, let me count the ways.  

Let’s start with water conservation. When you place about a three to four inch layer of mulch around your plants (remember donut not volcano) it lessens the opportunity for evaporation. The water is able to filter into the soil while the mulch insulates the soil from heat and wind.  

Mulch suppresses weeds. If you’ve ever noticed, weeds thrive when their seeds have a chance to germinate and grow. Mulch shades those seeds and, if they do happen to germinate, they still aren’t getting the light they need to thrive. Bonus. It also helps suppress soil borne diseasesThink about how you mulch under your tomatoes. When you do, any fungi that may be sitting on the soil can pop up to those bottom leaves with a rainfall.  

Mulch helps prevent runoff and erosion. When your soil is naked, pounding rain and sun bake can create an impermeable surface. So, the rain ends up gliding over your gardens and carrying lawn chemicals, etc. to the drain. And even good soil is susceptible to erosion by windsThose same weather events can compact your soil. And nobody wants that! But with mulch you’re adding a layer of protection.  

Mulch moderates soil temperatureThe feeder roots of plants, where they get most of their nutrients, are in the top few inches of soil. When exposed to our wild swings of heat and cold, those feeder roots can become weakened. A layer of mulch insulates them from those fluctuations. It also helps protect plants from heaving in winter.  

Organic wood mulch breaks down and as it does, it adds nutrients and organic matter to your soil, feeding plants and improving the soils drainage.  

Whew, that’s a lot of benefits! Oh, I almost forgot BEAUTY!  Yes, using wood mulch (barks, chips, shredded) gives a lovely, finished appearance to your landscapes, giving definition to your gardens and enhancing the look of your home too. Our experts recommend Red Cedar Mulch as it is know to repel soft body insects. Excellent around roses to repel sawfly.

One more thing, the dyes used in coloring some of the mulches we offer are completely safe. Gertens recommends replenishing your mulch once a year with a top dressing to refresh the look you want to achieve.  You can find all our mulches here

Happy mulching,