THE GARDEN SCOOP: Holiday Plant Care

THE GARDEN SCOOP: Holiday Plant Care
December 7, 2021
THE GARDEN SCOOP: Holiday Plant Care

Poinsettias, Amaryllis and Holiday cactus … oh my, the holiday plants are adorning our homes and now we want to keep them healthy! 

Poinsettias in the Poinsettia House 


The Gerten experts have some tips for you!  

Poinsettias are the most popular flowering Christmas plant. Keep them going by caring for them even before you place them in your vehicle! Quick note: Poinsettias are not poisonous to cats and dogs but that doesn’t mean they should eat them.  

  • Make sure you get your poinsettia covered by our crew in the Poinsettia House before taking it out to your vehicle and into our cold winter air. Cold temps will kill your poinsettia – they are native to Mexico! 
  • Once home, remove your plant from the sleeve, make sure there are drainage holes (if the pot is in foil) and place on a saucer. 
  • They prefer bright light. Place in a south, east or west window and AWAY from cold drafts or heat sources. 
  • Keep the soil moist but not wet. Water when the soil surface feels dry. Set the plant in a sink, water thoroughly allowing the plant to drain completely! Don’t let it sit in water. 
  • The color should last about 4 to 6 weeks.  
  • Check out Carlie’s video here 
  • For more on keeping them as houseplants, check out the University of Minnesota Extension here. 


‘Elvas’ amaryllis 

Amaryllis are so dramatic!  

The name ‘Amaryllis’ is from the Greek word amarysso, which means “to sparkle”, hence the drama! ???? Let’s talk a little about selection first. For the most stalks and blooms, choose the largest bulbs. Make sure they’re firm and dry.  

Healthy bulbs 

If you purchase just the bulb(s), then plant in a cylindrical container that is about an inch wider than the widest part of the bulb and twice as tall as the bulb to have plenty of room for the roots! And make sure there are drainage holes! Fill the pot halfway with a soil high in organic matter (ask our experts), set the bulb, add enough soil so about 1/3 of the bulb is visible. Water till moist and drain. Place in a sunny window. 

  • Water when the top 2 inches of soil is dry, make sure the water drains out. 
  • Move out of direct sunlight once the flower buds start to open. 

For more on after-flower care click here 

Holiday cactus 

Every year someone says their Christmas cactus is an overachiever as it’s blooming before Thanksgiving! Here’s a quick little primer on how to tell if it’s a Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter cactus: 

It’s all in the leaves! 

Thanksgiving Cactus 


Holiday cactus can live for a very long time, some have lived over 100 years as they were passed on from generation to generation! Keep in mind these plants are native to rainforests. Let’s get to their care: 

  • Place in bright, filtered light. In Winter, place in south, east or west window. 
  • Water thoroughly when the soil surface is dry. 
  • Make sure the water drains out the bottom and empty the saucer. 
  • Remove faded blooms. 

FYI –Holiday cacti like to be a bit rootbound. If your buds drop before they open, it cold be rapid changes in light, temperature or humidity. They could be under-watered (but careful here, you don’t want them drowning!) 

Merry, Merry… 
