Spot Seeding Your Lawn

Spot Seeding Your Lawn
December 11, 2020
Spot Seeding Your Lawn

Bare spots in lawns are caused by a variety of issues. By following these simple steps, you can repair your lawn to its former lush beauty.

Bare-spotted lawn in Hennepin Co. Photo courtesy of U of MN Ext.

Supplies Needed


  1. Use a landscape or thatching rake and clear the area of loose, dead grass.
  2. Till the soil using a spade, garden fork or rototiller down 3 to 6 inches.
  3. Rake the area smooth, removing debris, soil lumps and rocks. Add soil if you need to level the area.
  4. Put down a seed starter fertilizer such as Fertilome using a spreader.
  5. Spread the grass seed mix appropriate for the conditions. Scatter the seed being careful not to get too much in one place.
  6. Broadcast paper mulch (Optional). This helps keep moisture on grass seed and lightly covers the seed for protection.
  7. Water! Water daily to keep the seed and soil moist while you wait for germination and the sprouts are an inch tall. This will take about 3 weeks.Then water once or twice a week depending on rainfall. An inch of water a week is enough. Sunny locations and dry weather will require more frequent watering.

Time To Relax

The experts at Gertens are always available to answer your questions! 
