Growing and Caring for African Violets Indoor

Growing and Caring for African Violets Indoor
November 18, 2020
Growing and Caring for African Violets Indoor

African violets tend to bloom on and off throughout the entire year making them a colorful addition to any home. Learn how to care for them here.

African Violets can often be overwatered, so take care not to! Easy to use soil moisture meters can help you ensure your African Violet gets just the right amount to drink.


  • Lighting: African violets should be placed in a well lit area. In winter, a south or west facing window is best. In summer, move them into an east or north window where they won’t get too hot. Note: They need to be kept at about 60° to 70°. Keep them out of drafts.
  • Fertilizing: Once every other month with a half strength solution is sufficient. Specifically formulated African violet plant food is also available with a perfect blend of nutrients.
  • Watering: Overwatering is the worst thing you can do for your African violets. Stick your finger in the soil, if it’s moist, wait a few days. If it’s dry, place the pot in a container with no more than an inch of water. Remove it from the water after about 20 minutes, or until the potting mix is moist. Never let the pot stand in water.
  • Potting mix: African violet potting mixes are specifically designed to meet the needs of these plants. Or you can add Perlite to your mixture to help ensure proper drainage. Easy to use soil moisture meters can also help ensure the soil is at the proper moisture level.

Flowering: If you are having trouble getting them to flower especially in the winter, try placing them under a fluorescent light during the night.

Note: Overwatering can cause crown or root rot. Basically the leaves turn yellow and mushy and fall off. It looks as if the plant may have premature dieback. Often that “feels” like they should have more water. Don’t water it without checking the soil! 

They don’t tend to have many insect problems but if you do need to treat them make sure you use an insecticide that is recommended for African violets.

The Gerten Experts are always available to answer your questions!
