Decorating for Fall

December 20, 2020
Decorating for Fall

Ahh, fall, a time of gathering with friends and family, sharing the richness of the harvest. Celebrating the warm colors and rich textures of Autumn.

Decorating for fall can be as simple as gathering together the fruits of the season!

  • Pumpkins
  • Squash
  • Gourds

They come in an array of colors, textures and shapes.

The ways to decorate with those fruits is endless but here are a few options to help spark your creativity:

  • Stack different pumpkins and squash on a pedestal or in an urn at your front door.
  • Place branches of dried rose hips or bittersweet among the layers to add depth and compliments the design.
  • Dried leaves placed between the pumpkin layers add more color and texture.
  • Adding curly willow or red dogwood to the back of the pot increases the height and presence of your arrangement.
  • Small gourds in various shapes and sizes tumbled along the edge of the urn makes everything bright and lavish.

Dress it up:

  • Cornstalks and broomcorn swags are simple ways to dress up your doorway.
  • Adding garden mums in bushel baskets or decorative pots are an inviting way to warm the entrance of your home.
  • Window boxes can be filled with a mixture of cold tolerant plants and small pumpkins.
  • Simple accents to the windows and doors of your home provide a cozy and warm welcome.


  • Add a few pumpkins and squash to a collection of houseplants in various pots and planters.
  • Add height and interest to the pots with a few branches of curly willow and vary the height of the planters using pedestals and plant stands. As an added benefit, the grouped plants will appreciate their own microclimate in the dry indoor conditions.
  • Group squash and pumpkins next to the hearth.
  • Tie a bow to the stem of a pumpkin and add it to the arrangement.

Getting crafty:

  • Get out the glue gun and craft supplies and make gourd people and pets.
  • Gather natural elements from your own yard: seeds, leaves and dried berries.
  • Glue together different colored gourds and squash for the bodies.
  • Add facial features using seeds and berries, even leaf stems.
  • Hair can be made of twine, dried moss, straw, grass.
  • Dried fruit and flowers can be used to make hats and jewelry.
  • Use paints to create all kinds of designs.

Gather family and friends and get creative!

The experts at Gertens are always available to answer your questions!
