January 6th is the official last day of the 12 Days of Christmas, the Epiphany. The word itself has several meanings but for Christians it signals the coming of the Magi, or 3 Wise Men. Celebrations abound around the world, some involving plunging into icy water. For many of us it means packing away the Christmas decorations and taking out our fresh Christmas tree. Before you kick it to the curb, The Garden Scoop has some fun ideas to put that tree to good use!!
The Garden Scoop - Epiphany & what to do with your Christmas tree
December 31, 2024 -
VIDEO: Controlling Buckthorn Weeds With Goats | Garden Guy Dale | Gertens Garden Center
August 15, 2023Garden Guy Dale talks about the rise of "goatscaping" & using goats to control buckthorn and weeds in your yard.
Creating Bird Habitats
May 17, 2021Check out these six steps to create the ideal bird habitat to bring in your favorite bird species.
THE GARDEN SCOOP: Rain Barrels and Compost Bins
April 8, 2021Find out the garden scoop on rain barrels and compost bins and how to be more environmentally friendly.
January 7, 2021
All About Deer
We all love the sight of deer feeding out in a field, but the ability for deer to adapt to many types of environments has made them a pest to many of us. Gertens Experts offer tips on to keep your deer healthy throughout the seasons!
Water Conservation
December 17, 2020The first place to start conserving water is in the home. Gertens Experts help provide tips on how to conserve water whetehr individual, community or business.
Shredded Leaves Nature's Free Soil
December 17, 2020If you have an abundant source of leaves, consider yourself fortunate! You possess an excellent source of compost and plant insulation. Gertens offer advice on how to turn your leaves into compost!
Rain Barrels
December 17, 2020Storm water runoff from roofs, driveways, sidewalks, and lawns carries chemicals, solvents, salts, pet waste into the storm sewer and eventually into our streams, lakes and rivers. You can help prevent their subsequent pollution by keeping storm water on your property by using rain barrels.
Planting for Energy Conservation
December 15, 2020Trees and shrubs can reduce fuel consumption for heating and cooling your home. Our Gerten Experts share ways to modify your local climate!
Composting Made Easy
December 13, 2020Composting is simply the process of changing raw, organic materials into soil conditioner through decomposition. Gertens offer helpful tips on how to properly compost!
Reason to Plant Trees
December 3, 2020There are many reasons to plant a new tree! Shade, energy savings, wildlife habitat, edible fruit, decorative fruit, fall color, screening. Gertens offers every size, shape and color of tree for your landscape.
Recycling Leaves as Compost and Garden Mulch
October 16, 2020Fallen leaves become excellent compost to amend soil and use as garden mulch! The experts at Gertens offer tips on how to best compost your garden!