Caring for Roses in Hot Humid Weather

December 1, 2020
Caring for Roses in Hot Humid Weather

The hot days and humid nights of August can take their toll on your delicate roses, but fear not! We have some quality tips on caring for roses in hot and humid weather. Here are some ways to help these beauties through this stressful time of year:

  • Water weekly and remove spent blooms.
  • Apply a well-balanced rose food like Bonide Systemic Rose and Flower Care.
  • A spray program becomes more critical now. Hot weather brings black spot and mildew so apply a fungicide like Rose Rx 3-in-1. If temperatures are running 85 degrees or hotter, reduce the amount of fungicide you are using by one-fourth to avoid foliage burn.
  • Apply the last fertilizer no later than six weeks before the first frost.
  • Air circulation and dry nights help.

The most harmful temperatures usually peak in early to mid-August. If your roses can get through these critical times you will have four to eight weeks of bloom time remaining.

Roses require special attention during extremely hot and humid weather. These dangerous temperatures generally spike during August.

The experts at Gertens are always available to answer your questions!
