How to Create Your Own Terrarium


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Add a touch of charm to any room by creating your own tiny world. There are countless ways to make your terrarium unique. The combinations of containers, plants and decorations are never ending. Terrariums are easy to make and maintain.

Step One: Materials

First, decide what kind of terrarium you want and where you are going to put it. This will determine what kind of plants you should use. Cacti and succulents need an open terrarium, but mini foliage plants thrive in an enclosed terrarium. Gertens has materials no matter which direction you take.

- Glass container or bowl
- Miniature plants or cacti/succulents
- Sand or gravel
- Activated charcoal
- Black Gold potting soil or cactus mix
- Ornamental moss
- Decorations

Step Two: Drainage Layer

The bottom layer of your terrarium will be gravel, sand or small stones. Add about a half inch layer to ensure that water will not linger in the soil. This will help prevent root rot.

Step Three: Activated Charcoal and Moss

Add about a 1/4 cup of activated charcoal to your terrarium to keep it healthy. Charcoal absorbs chemicals from the soil, water and air inside your terrarium. These chemicals build up over time and can damage your plants. Charcoal also absorbs unpleasent odors that can occur in enclosed terrariums.

Add a layer of live moss on top of the charcoal layer so the charcoal does not mix with the soil when you water.

Step Four: Soil and Plants

Make sure to add enough soil for your plants. Get creative and do some micro landscaping by adding a slope if your container is large enough. Give your plants enough room to grow and water them after planting.

Choose plants that have similar light and water needs. If you get cacti and succulents make sure to use a special cactus mix for your soil. For all other plants use Black Gold potting soil.

Step Five: Decorate your Terrarium

It’s time to get creative and add the decorations. Add a layer of decorative moss or stones to the top to enhance the look of your terrarium. Use fairy garden elements, geodes, shells or stones to add interest. Make sure to rinse off anything you bring in from outside.

Step Six: Maintenance

Enclosed terrariums don’t need to be watered often. Water them only when the soil looks dry. If your terrariums have a cover open it once a month to let in fresh air. Open terrariums should be watered as needed. Once your plants fill out keep them pruned by pinching off new growth.

Some plants suitable for terrariums are:
Pilea (Aluminum Plant)
Soleirolia (Baby Tears - a very aggressive grower)
Ardisia (Marlberry or Coralberry)
Podocarpus (Buddhist Pine)
Aeschynanthus (Lipstick Plant)
Very small ferns
Miniature African Violets
Rubiaceae coffea (Coffee Plant)
Buxus (Boxwood)
Zebrina pendula (Wandering Jew - an aggressive grower)
Ficus pumila (Creeping Fig - an aggressive grower)
Hedera (Ivy)
Fittonia (Mosaic or Nerve Plant)

