Oriole Questions

"Baltimore Oriole Bird Call / Song / Sounds": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAAz-dC4tmU
Orioles and House Finches will snack on oranges. In hot weather, orange halves will shrivel faster and attract flies and ants so you might have to change them more often. Orioles will eat mealworms, but their favorite is grape jelly!
Usually, you should change the jelly if rainwater gets in the jelly, if you see ants in the jelly, or if it starts getting clumpy or sticky.
Orioles will not normally eat birdseed. Their diet consists primarily of fruit, nectar and insects. One of the Orioles' favorite foods is grape jelly but it must be grape jelly as it mimics their natural fruit in Mexico and the Dominican Republic!
Orioles will drink nectar, but please do not put colored dyes in it. Orange on the feeder is all they need. Grape jelly will be more appealing to Orioles, but you could tie an orange ribbon near the feeder to attract their attention.
Ideally, put the bird feeder somewhere you will be able to watch it (deck, hanging from tree, Shepards hook near a window). Try to keep feeders in shaded or partially shaded areas if possible. If your feeder is in full sun, you will have to change the food supply and wash the feeder much more frequently.
The Orioles types that live in Minnesota are the Baltimore (most common in MN), Bullocks, and Orchard.