Bird Questions

"Baltimore Oriole Bird Call / Song / Sounds":
One solution is to stick a decal onto the window to show the bird that a surface exists. If a bird happens to strike a window and falls to the ground, carefully move the stunned bird to a safe area while the bird becomes fully recovered and can fly off.
By adding an ant moat above your Hummingbird or Oriole feeder you can easily eliminate these unwanted pests at the feeder. The cup shaped device holds water and when the ant climbs down the hook, they are trapped in the pool of water and your feeder will be free of ants.
You should wait until after nesting season to remove nesting materials. Most species only nest one time in the year, but some species can have between four and five per year. The time can also vary greatly. Songbirds are usually ready to leave after just two or three weeks, while raptors may stay up to 10 weeks.
To enjoy the delightful sounds of songbirds be sure to include a landscape filled with a variety of native trees, shrubs, vines, and seed-bearing flowers. Birds will reside in areas that contain the three essentials: shelter, water, and a natural food source.
During the daylight hours birds can be seen foraging for food and perching in trees. But as the sun sets, all birds except some nocturnal species like owls will find a place to sleep. Birds will go to safe places to rest and sleep at night. They go out...
Ideally the bath should be about 3” deep so large birds can soak and hold a flock that may bathe together. A large stone can be added to create an island. Be sure to clean bird baths often to keep water fresh and clean.
While no chemicals are completely safe, you can practice safe application times, follow label guidelines and use cultural practices to keep you plants naturally free of pests and diseases. Consider releasing ladybugs, lacewings, and other predatory insects to control populations.
We suggest feeding birds all year long, so you not only can enjoy the ever-changing flock, but to supplement their diet when food may be scarce. In winter you are providing the much-needed calories for warmth and survival and in return you get a close-up view of the flock.
Birds' feathers provide a remarkable amount of winter insulation. Many birds will grow more feathers for winter protection. Their feathers are coated in a special oil for warmth and waterproofing. A bird can control the temperature in their legs to conserve warmth and prevent frostbite. Bird legs also are covered in scales to minimize the heat loss.
Adding multiple feeders to your landscape will draw in many bird species for you to enjoy. Different species prefer different types of seed and feeders. Feeder placement should be near trees or shrubbery so birds can safely fly to the feeder and back to the shelter to perch.
Please NEVER feed hummingbird's honey! The honey will stick to their tongue and kill the bird as they can't retract their tongue back into their beak, thus suffocating the bird. If you make your own nectar, just use cane sugar and boiled water (four...
No, Hummingbird's feet are too weak. Although, they can grab onto things such as feeder perches.
Hummingbirds will travel non-stop across the Gulf of Mexico to get to their winter breeding grounds and that's why it's critical to have feeders out in fall, and feeders with perches so the Hummingbird can rest while drinking.
You can put out multiple feeders. If you're getting more than 2-3 hummingbirds at a time as they're extremely territorial and will defend the feeder from others arriving.
The best nectar for Hummingbird feeders is four parts water to one part sugar. Boil the water, take water off heat, mix in sugar (white granulated cane). After the mixture is cooled you can put it in the feeder or place it in a pitcher or jar in the fridge lasting 2-3 weeks.
During hot times of the year, clean and change every 2-3 days. In more mild weather (60s/70s), every 6-7 days.
Yes, the rufous hummingbird will travel about 5,000 miles from their winter grounds up to Canada and as far as Alaska.
Hummingbird’s wings beat around 53 times per second! This fast-wing beat allows for Hummingbirds to hover in mid-air while also being able to fly backwards, forward, up and down. 
No, “Hummingbird houses” will not attract Hummingbirds. Hummingbirds will make their own nests in trees.