Gertens Yard Waste Recycling Services

At Gertens we recognize the concerns that today’s homeowners have regarding the sustainability and maintenance of a beautiful yard. We provide reliable and responsible recycling and waste disposal and invite you to bring your lawn clippings, leaves, and yard waste to our three locations: Inver Grove Heights (year-round), Denmark Township (Spring through late-Fall), or Eagan (Spring through late-Fall).


Brickyard & Yard Waste Recycling Locations

Brickyard, Landscape Supply & Yard Waste Recycling Center

Brickyard, Landscape Supply & Yard Waste Recycling Center

Location Hours

Mon - Fri 8am - 7pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 9am - 6pm

Landscape Supply & Yard Waste Recycling Center - Eagan

Landscape Supply & Yard Waste Recycling Center - Eagan

Location Hours

Mon - Fri 8am - 4pm
Saturday CLOSED

Landscape Supply & Yard Waste Recycling Center - Denmark

Landscape Supply & Yard Waste Recycling Center - Denmark

Location Hours

Mon - Fri 8am - 4pm
Saturday CLOSED


Important Information!
Due to Dutch Elm Disease, no Elm logs or brush allowed. Gertens cannot accept hazardous waste.

All Sites:
Gertens personnel will inspect each load prior to drop off, loads that do not pass inspection will be refused. These regulations ensure that Gertens can continue offering soils, amendments and mulches of the highest quality. We do accept rock (free of soil, other organic material and fabric) in our concrete recycling. All types of recycling bags must be emptied, and the customer must take the bags with them home to reuse or throw away.


All recycling material must be separated by type:

Yard Waste

In addition, all material for recycling MUST be free of foreign material including but not limited to:

Paper bags
Rebar etc.


2025 Recycling Fees

*Recycling fees below are on a Per Truck/Trailer Rate*

*Rates and conditions subject to change. Questions? Call: Eagan R.E.S. 651-209-3511 or Denmark: 651-458-4412*

Factory Pick-Up + Under

Includes: Short Box, Vans & SUVs

Location Yard Waste & Sod Tearout
Brush Concrete & Brown Soil
Inver Grove Heights $20 $30 $60
Eagan R.E.S. $20 $25 $60
Denmark R.E.S. $20 $25 $60

Commercial Truck



Yard Waste & Sod Tearout

Concrete & Brown Soil
Inver Grove Heights $40 $85 $90
Eagan R.E.S. $40 $65 $90
Denmark R.E.S. $40 $65 $90

Contractor Body

Location Yard Waste & Sod Tearout
Brush Concrete & Brown Soil
Inver Grove Heights $65 $215 $140
Eagan R.E.S. $65 $175 $140
Denmark R.E.S. $65 $175 $140

Tree Truck (End Dump, Log Loader, Forestry)

Location Brush
Inver Grove Heights $490
Eagan R.E.S. $400
Denmark R.E.S. $400

Single Axle Trailer

Location Yard Waste & Sod Tearout
Brush Concrete & Brown Soil
Inver Grove Heights $27 $50 $60
Eagan R.E.S. $27 $40 $60
Denmark R.E.S. $27 $40 $60

2+ Axle Trailer

Location Yard Waste & Sod Tearout
Brush Concrete & Brown Soil
Inver Grove Heights $65 $215 $140
Eagan R.E.S. $65 $175 $140
Denmark R.E.S. $65 $175 $140

Tandem Dump Truck

Location Yard Waste & Sod Tearout
Brush Concrete & Brown Soil
Inver Grove Heights $90 $425 $225
Eagan R.E.S. $90 $300 $225
Denmark R.E.S. $90 $300 $225

Miscellaneous Recycling Fees

Location Stumps Bags Gertens Bags
Inver Grove Heights $50 per Cu. yd. $1.25 per Bag $0.75 per Bag
Eagan R.E.S. $50 per Cu. yd. $1.25 per Bag $0.75 per Bag
Denmark R.E.S. $50 per Cu. yd. $1.25 per Bag $0.75 per Bag